Charleen Clarke, judge of Women’s World Car of the Year, is SA’s most acclaimed motoring journalist

She is arguably South Africa’s most globally accomplished automotive journalist. Her opinions are taken seriously into account in the car industry and among buyers.

Charleen Clarke, judge of Women's World Car of the Year.

By Leo Kok
Ask Charleen Clarke, editorial director of Charmont Media Global, about how many countries she has visited, and she will answer: «Well, not all of them.»

Her answer makes sense when you realise that Charleen is arguably South Africa’s most globally accomplished automotive journalist. 

She is a long-serving judge in the prestigious World Car of the Year and the Women’s World Car of the Year Award and an associate member of the International Truck of the Year jury. She is also a judge for the international Truck Innovation Awards.

You heard that right. Charleen is South Africa’s top auto judge, and she is equally comfortable in clipping… Read more

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