Erzsébet Kurcz - Hungary


Motoring journalist Erzsébet Kurcz, from Hungary, has joined Women’s World Car of the Year as a judge. With her appointment, WWCOTY increases membership to 48 journalists from 38 different countries with an audience reach across all platforms in excess of 500 million.

Erzsébet Kurcz has been working for the Hungarian national news agency, at the economic desk since 1990. She edits news on all topics and writes articles on the automotive industry. She is therefore in contact with all Hungarian automotive companies, she follows their activities and their position in the Hungarian economy and in the marketplace.

She is very interested in the mobility process developing in Hungary, which she believes is a little bit different to other European and regional trends.

However, as in other countries, Hungarians prefer the brands with a local production base, such as Suzuki, Opel, Audi and Mercedes. BMW will join that line-up soon. The major world brands are represented on the Hungarian market.

In new car sales, mass brands are performing the best in the current crisis, while the premium segment is stable. It appears that the cheaper cars are the greater losers in this current economic climate.  As with the trend in Western Europe, there is also a strong demand for SUVs in Hungary, and sales of electric and hybrid vehicles are expanding dynamically, supported by the Hungarian state program.

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