Jil McIntosh - Canada

Jil has been writing professionally about cars since the early 1980s. She is a member of the Automobile Journalists Association of Canada and is a judge for the association’s Canadian Car of the Year awards.

A freelancer, she contributes car reviews and writes columns on auto technology and history for the National Post newspaper and its online site, Driving.ca. She also writes for AutoTrader; the industry magazine company Autosphere, which publishes Tire News, Fleet Digest, and Canadian Auto Journal; and Old Autos, a twice-monthly newspaper for antique car enthusiasts.

Her career as an auto writer began with stories about her old cars, and she currently owns a 1947 Cadillac and 1949 Studebaker pickup truck, as well as a 1950 International Farmall tractor.  She is also the founder of  Woman on Wheels


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