Sandra Baierl - Austria


Sandra Baierl is currently editor of three weekly section Mobility in one of Austria’s largest newspapers, KURIER.

Sandra Baierl started her life with cars the minute she was born because both of her parents worked in the car industry. As a result, during her childhood she naturally became familiar with many of these companies and even her summer jobs were in the automobile sector.

As a car enthusiast she spent much of her time with her father in the garage, where a Citroen 2CV was built from scratch, a NSU Prinz was part of the team, and the family cars (always more than one per person) were pampered. 

In January 2020 she was named editor of the mobility-section of KURIER, which is published once a week within the newspaper, and once a month as a supplement to the newspaper. KURIER also owns where daily coverage on cars and car-news takes place, Sandra is also in charge of that.

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