Shahinaz Hussein- Egypt


Shahinaz Hussein leads the Egyptian project Girl Behind the Wheel, an initiative that aims to bring together the latest in the automotive world in Egypt, but with a special focus on women, their preferences and needs.

Hussein started writing about cars 19 years ago for Akhbar el-Yom newspaper. Since then she has worked for various media outlets, including Motortime Newspaper, El Shorouk newspaper and Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper. She has also worked for websites such as

Her passion for the automotive sector can be traced back to 2004, when she started working as a journalist and began writing about cars. It was a surprise to many in her country that a woman was involved in the automotive world. «I love my job and creating content about new cars, driving them, testing them and giving my point of view. I also get excited about Formula 1 and everything related to motorcycling,» says Hussein.

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