Tanya Gazdik - USA


Tanya Gazdik currently covers automotive marketing for MediaPost and she programs and run two conferences for them at the New York and Los Angeles auto shows that are attended by several hundred C-suite automotive executives as well as agency and suppliers. MediaPost.com is an online publishing resource for all advertising media professionals — tv, cable, radio, print, interactive, agencies, buyers and reps, providing news, commentary and events. Since 1996, MediaPost.com has been the largest and most influential media, marketing and advertising site on the net, providing news, blogs and directories to help our community of more than 150,000 members better plan and buy both traditional and online advertising.

Gazdik, from Detroit, also freelances personnel news, new vehicle unveilings and test drive stories for WardsAuto. She has just started freelancing for A Girl’s Guide to Cars, which she says gives her a chance to write more creatively and in first person about the aspects of a vehicle that appeal most to women.

“I love living in Detroit and talking to people about the cars they drive, where they work and how they feel about vehicles in general,” she says. “Everyone here is connected to the car industry in one way or another, it seems”.


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