Driving into and across the city in the Audi Q2 compact SUV, the sun was rising over Glasgow

By Maggie Barry
I had been up at ghastly o’clock for the first time in months. I even beat the birds. But now as the day slipped in, the mist was rising eerily from the fields as The Audi Q2 with plenty of performance powered along the motorway, heading south, and then the city came into view.
The pink morning sun lit it up splendidly. Its towers and spires glittered and windows in the high buildings sparkled. Glasgow’s beautiful sandstone architecture burned in the soft early light.
All was well with the world – and with this lovely car I was driving – one of the few on the road at this unearthly hour, just me and Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds on the radio.
There is something quite magical about a drive like this when the world around you seems so at peace and the car you are driving matches the moment. You feel you could drive on forever.
The Audi Q2 slips along silently and efficiently. It may have been a latecomer to the Audi SUV stable but… Read more