Women’s World Car of the Year reaches 50 judges from all around the globe. Rowan Peperkamp is the last one.

The motoring female journalist comes from the Netherlands

Rowan Peperkamp from the Netherlands

The jury of this year’s WWCOTY has reached a number of fifty female motoring journalists. Rowan Peperkamp, from the Netherlands, is the latest one to join this group.

Rowan started writing about cars after teaming up with FemmeFrontaal, one of the leading online car magazine for women in the Netherlands. Her passion and dedication for the automotive industry carries her to her current position as editor-in-chief.

During her career, Peperkamp has driven countless different cars: from tiny to huge and from affordable to ‘keep on dreaming’. «My love for the technique and the aesthetics of cars grew exponentially over the years. Now I cannot imagine a life without working with cars or a life without owning a car», she says.

With a degree in Media, Information & Communication, Peperkamp states that «it is really important to let the female voice be heard, especially in the motoring industries. I think my appointment to WWCOTY will be a good opportunity to position myself as expert in the Dutch automotive since I can convey Dutch female preferences. As a jury member I will also reinforce my passion for tracking the newest cars and the developments within the motoring industry».

At FemmeFrontaal it’s all about the feminine view on cars: by women, but for women ánd men. They believe that women – the non-petrolheads too – look way further than only the colour of the car and that a car can reflect someone’s personality. Peperkamp loves to share her car experiences with anyone who wants to hear them.

In the Netherlands the popularity of (private) lease is increasing, which makes more and more people drive a new car. Because of that FemmeFrontaal focuses on the newest cars on the market. Peperkamp also sees more and more electric cars on the Dutch roads. Mostly, because of the financial benefits of an electric car, especially for the lease-market. Those cars are mostly used for commuting to and from work. This market is developing rapidly, so therefore FemmeFrontaal is on top of it.

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